NEWS / strategy

Battle Strategy - Provided by Mc Montecalvo (AS12-11042)


Strategy can differ in many ways, and it depends on who your enemy is. There are team compositions consisting of deleting Back row first. Some are bursting 1 champ specifically, others are preventing to cast the enemy rage using some of the skills. But for me, I will share this team strategy with you and explain why this strategy is the most effective of all.


Front Row (1,2&3) can consist of the Highest dmg or Most tank of your champs.


To elaborate

1. Burst dmg Character

2. Finisher Character that can use his rage also where the (1) cast it. + Sky shatter combo for starters is a good way to delete 1 champ specifically.

3. Most AOE dmg output


In my experience, most of the story quests, arcade quests, side quests, and other events are targeting this front row first.


Back row (4,5&6) can consist of magic dmg characters, Healers, and your weakest characters.


To elaborate

1. Magic dmg Character

2. Healer

3. Weakest champ


The rotation can be changed if your opponent is targeting your back row first.


For starter, the combo skill can be:


1.Ground spike rank 3 can reduce the rage of your enemy

2.Sky Shatter for deleting 1 champ easily

3.Valor rank 3 increases the block of your first row


Max Chill Sustain for warlord trials and story quest can also be used in PVP, and the smartest way is to use it after your healer cast her rage.