NEWS / strategy

How To Earn More Coins?


Coin is an important resource in Dynasty Scrolls. Let's see how to earn it and what can it do?


You will need many coins to improve heroes, equipment, and items. So how to earn more coins? Here we are gonna introduce you several ways to earn coins.

1. Daily Brawls


Daily Brawls is the main way for coin output. You can earn coins twice a day and the higher level you are, the more coins you earn.


2. Arena


You can also earn coins from Arena. Also, a higher ranking brings more coins.


3. Mission


You can earn a lot of coins from the mission, especially from the Normal mission. 


4. Mall


You can purchase coins in the Mall. The first time you buy the Coin will have an 80% discount. 


These are all the common ways to earn coins.